The author considers L. S. Vygotsky’s scientific work in the context of the artistic image analysis. He traces the scientist’s way to creation of own research method. The author did reveal the historical necessity and did substantiate the Soviet psychologist’s appeal to the philosophy of B. Spinoza. He did analyze in detail the first printed work оf L. S. Vygotsky “The Tragedy of Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark by W. Shakespeare”. He has shown that in this early work the then nineteen-year-old psychologist already proved himself to be stern follower of dialectical philosophy having a masterful command of Hegelian method of ascension from the abstractness to the specific. The author claims that it explains the depth of Shakespearean piece analysis as opposed to the research of renowned literary critics and philosophers.
Keywords: artistic image; objective-analytical method; reflection; Hamlet; Shakespeare; meeting the Shadow; fossilized universal; will of tragedy.
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