1. General Requirements to Articles
Scientific articles written or translated in Russian are accepted for publication in the ESGI journal issues. Each article should correspond to the requirements of the academic speech style and the journal’s general direction, be interesting to a wide circle of Russian scientific community.
The authors should make sure that their article corresponds to the journal’s subject area and the nomenclature of scientific workers’ specializations while providing their manuscript to the journal (q.v.: Nomenclature of Scientific Workers’ Specializations under which articles are accepted).
The material offered for publication must be original. It mustn’t be published earlier in other printed matters. It must be written in the context of modern scientific literature and contain an obvious element of a new knowledge. The articles submitted are checked by the Anti-plagiat software.
A scientific article should have the following obligatory elements:
• problem, purpose and tasks of the research on the theme topical in modern theory and practice;
• definition of the author’s statement of question in the world and home scientific literature;
• the author’s original research: the initial empiric data and their qualitative and quantitative analysis; processing the secondary data; historical research; analysis of the progress of scientific views in the theme chosen, etc.;
• conclusions in accordance with the purpose and tasks of the research.
The author is responsible for the correctness of names, citations, formulae and numbers.
The Editorial Board keeps its right to edit articles without changing the scientific content of the author’s version of the article.
The Board doesn’t examine the articles that don’t meet the journal’s requirements.
The Editorial Board of the journal carries out its inner and independent reviewing.
Post-graduates shouldn’t pay for the publication of their articles. Articles of MIET’s post-graduates are published in the first turn. Articles of post-graduates from other universities are published as far as possible which is to be determined in every definite situation by the Editor-in-Chief. A post-graduate has to bring a reference from the graduate school confirming his status. (The recommended volume of the article is 0.4 printer’s sheet (16,000 symbols with spaces); the number of symbols can be checked in MS Word using the main menu item Tools (or the Review tab), then the Word Count option).
The author can have for free one copy of the journal’s issue with his or her published article. Extra copies should be paid for.
The publication matters are considered by the Editorial Board of the scientific journal "Economic and Social Research": the article is registered and then edited internally by the Board. The article is approved for the publication if it gets a positive review and all necessary documents are applied to it.
2. Documents Necessary for Publication
To publish his article in the journal «Economic and Social Research», the author should provide the following information to the Editorial Board (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by snail mail: Bld. 1, Shokin Square, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia, 124498):
1) author’s CV (in a printed or online form)*
*) If the article has several authors, CV is made by every author individually;
2) written request addressed to the Editor-in-Chief confirming author's consent to open-access publishing and to the processing of the author’s personal data (in original or a fax copy);
3) extract from the minutes of the meeting of Chair (department, subdivision) where the research has been made (in original or a fax copy);
4) review (in original or a fax copy) — q.v. the detailed information below (Reviewing Process);
5) receipt* of semiannual subscription for the journal (in original or a fax copy)**
* Q.v. Subscription
** Provided after internal examination of the article and a positive decision about the possibility to publish it.
6) soft copy of the article’s text.
There are two ways to transfer the online version to the Editorial Board:
Option 1: the authors can bring their article either personally in hard copy, or soft copy recorded on a new USB-flashcard or a new CD-disk at the address: Bld. 1, Shokin Square, Zelenograd, Moscow. Flashcards and disks must be tested on viruses. They are returned to the author.
Option 2: the authors can e-mail their article at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3. Style Sheet
1. An article must be typed in Miscrosoft Word and saved in *.doc or *.rtf format, font Times New Roman, font size 14, margins 2,5 cm from all sides, at one-and-a-half space. Text compression is not permitted.
2. Article is not to be shorter than 0,4 printer's sheets (16,000 symbols with spaces) or longer than 0,6 printer's sheets (24,000 symbols with spaces*).
* The number of symbols can be found in MS Word: use the main menu item Tools (or the Review tab), then the Word Count option.
3. Graphic material should be made in observance of some limitations.
An article must include a minimum of tables, formulae and diagrams. The author can use them only if the process description in the text form is impossible or inappropriate. An area of figures, schemes, tables and formulae is to be equal to the text equivalent. Every object isn’t to be larger than the stated page size and its print isn’t to be smaller than 12 points. Figures with color filled areas are forbidden. All objects must be black and white without any tints. All formulae must be created with the component Microsoft Equation or as high-quality raster images.
Below are the examples of the graphic material design (click to open in new tab)
4. The following information must be given at the beginning of the article:
a) UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index — the authors can ask for it in the information department of their university’s library or found it themselves in the online version of classification tables;
b) article’s title in Russian and English (in sentence case);
c) author’s surname and initials in Russian and English;
d) name of the organization, where the work has been done, in Russian and English;
e) abstract in Russian (500—700 symbols with spaces) and in English under the title "Abstract" (see our requirements);
f) keywords in Russian (5—7 words or word combinations) and in English: basic scientific terms or special terms in accordance with the research specialization. They should be ordered from general to specific ones, separated using a semicolon, and have the title "Keywords".
You can see an example of an article’s front page (in Russian).
4. Requirements to Bibliographic References
Bibliographic references are necessary in any scientific work:
• when quoting parts of a text, formulae, tables, illustrations, etc.
• when adopting propositions, formulae, tables, illustration, etc. not in the form of quotes;
• when analyzing a content of another publication in the article;
• when referring a reader to other publications where the discussed material is given more completely.
If an article has a reference to another source of information, it must be included in the bibliography (it’s necessary to specify place and year of publication and total number of pages).
All references are to be made in accordance with the Russian State Standard GOST R 7.0.5.-2008 "System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of making" (it can be found at the Russian Standards and Technical Regulations database).
An article should include inside (A) and after-text (B) bibliographic references.
A. Inside bibliographic references
are given in square brackets. They consist of an index number of the used publication in the article reference list and a quoted page, e.g.: [1, p. 65]. If a reference involves more than one publication, the items are separated by semicolon inside square brackets: [4, p. 15; 5, p. 123].
You can see an example (in Russian).
B. After-text bibliographic references
are given after the article text under the title "Bibliography". They are references to the publications that the author has used. They should be arranged according to the order of their mentioning in the article, but not in the alphabetical order.
You can see an example (transliterated).
Attention, please! According to the author’s desire, the bibliography can be arranged in a different way: it can have the title "References and Sources" and, accordingly, should be subdivided into Sources and References with the continuous numbering of the list preserved.
You can see an example (transliterated).
Rules of formatting source references in after-text bibliography
Type of bibliographic reference | Example of formatting |
Article having one author | 1. Bell D. The Coming of Post-industrial Society: A Venture in Social Forecasting. N.Y.: Basic Books, Inc., 1973. 476 р. |
Article having two or three authors | 2. Marx K., Engels F. The Communist Manifesto. North Charleston: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2010. 70 p. |
Article having four or more authors | 3. Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland / A. Berry, G. DeJesus, M. Jordan, K. Sullivan. N.Y.: Viking, 2015. 336 p. |
Dissertation | 4. Zats D. Achieving Consistent Latencies in Datacenter Networks: A dissertation submitted … Doctor of Philosophy. Berkeley, 2014. 228 p. |
Author’s abstract of dissertation | 5. Zats D. Achieving Consistent Latencies in Datacenter Networks: A dissertation submitted … DoctorofPhilosophy: ThesisSummary. Berkeley, 2014. 84 p. |
Conference materials | 6. 57th Annual Meeting of the AACE International 2013: The Authority for Total Cost Management. Proceedings of a meeting (30 June — 3 July 2013, Washington, DC, USA). Vol. 2. Washington, DC: Curran Associates, 2013. 652 p |
Collected papers | 7. Adorno and the need in thinking: New critical essays / Ed. by D. A Burke, C. J. Campbell. K. Kiloh et al. Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 2007. viii, 365 p. |
A volume of a multivolume publication | 8. Propædia: Outline of Knowledge: Guide to the Britannica. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1997. 310 p. (The New Encyclopædia Britannica. 15th ed; Vol. 30). |
An article from collected papers | 9. Serviss G. P. A trip of terror // A Columbus of space / Garrett P. Serviss. N.Y.: Appleton, 1911. P. 17—32. |
Journal article | 10. Moita R. M. S., Paiva C. Political Price Cycles in Regulated Industries: Theory and Evidence // American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 2013. Vol. 5. № 1. P. 94—121. |
Newspaper article | 11. Cave A. Microsoft and Sun Settle Java Battle // Daily Telegraph [London]. 2001. 25 Jan. P. 36. |
Normative legal document | 12. Canada. Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Gathering Strength: Canada’s Aboriginal Action Plan. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2000. |
13. The United States Constitution. [S. l.]: Textbook Classics, 2012. 94 p. | |
Remote online resources | 14.National Accounts Main Aggregates Database // United Nations Statistics Division [Web source]. URL: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/snaama/dnlList.asp (accessed: 08.12.2014). |
15. Kuijs L. Investment and Saving in China // World Bank Policy Research Paper Series [Online version]. 2005. № 3633 (June). URL: http://elibrary.worldbank.org/doi/book/10.1596/1813-9450-3633 (accessed: 08.12.2014). | |
Material recorded on CD or DVD (e-resources with local access ) | 16. Dawson S. I Hate Myselfie: A collection of essays [Audible Audio Edition]. N.Y.: Simon & Schuster Audio, 2015. 1 CD-ROM (4 hrs 6 min). |
E-resource with limited access | 17. Ingersoll A. P. Uranus Planet // Encyclopædia Britannica [Web source]. 2015. March 3. Access mode: registration required. URL: http://global.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/619284/Uranus (accessed: 13.03.2015). |
An article is allowed to include footnote references.
Footnote references may contain the author’s notes and comments (1) or the references to archives, public or private collections (2). Unlike inside bibliographic references typed manually in square brackets, footnotes should be made using the MS Word tools (read the online instruction).
All scientific articles, submitted for the publication in the journal «Economic and Social Research», go through the process of reviewing and scientific editing.
Authors, who don’t work in MIET, should send an original or a fax copy of an external review (post-graduates and applicants should send a scientific adviser’s review) with the article text and the accompanying documents.
An external review is to be certified by seal and signature of a person who has a scientific degree.
Besides, all submitted articles necessarily go through the process of independent (inner) reviewing (see the reviewing scheme). The Editor-in-Chief arranges independent reviewing. He invites a specialist (Doctor or Candidate of Sciences working in MIET or another organization) who has a scientific specialization close to the article theme. A reviewer is a scientific editor of the article at the same time.
Reviews are certified in the order settled by the reviewer’s organization.
The accompanying documents of the article and originals of reviews are kept by the Editorial Board of the ESGI journal.
Reviewing is a confidential process. The author gets a possibility to read the text of the review. The reviewer’s surname isn’t disclosed to the author. Blind peer review process is acceptable in some special cases when the author doesn’t know the reviewer’s surname and vice versa.
As it was mentioned earlier, all articles submitted are checked by the Anti-plagiat software. In case of any plagiarism found in the article, the author is refused in its publication without the right to change or edit it.
The reviewers are responsible for the content and the quality of their review. A reviewer can give one of the following final recommendations:
- the article is recommended to be published without any corrections or with some slight editing;
- the article should be re-reviewed as it has significant shortcomings that must be corrected by the author;
- the article isn’t recommended to be published as it doesn’t meet the requirements imposing to scientific articles.
In case of refusal in the publication of the article or its second time reviewing, the reviewers are to provide a detailed explanation of their decision and to make proper notes on the manuscript’s margins. The review is sent to the author by e-mail, fax or post. The authors should send their reply to the reviewer’s criticism within 7 days. If the author hasn’t replied within this period, the Editorial Board has a right to postpone the article’s publication.
If the authors disagree to the reviewer’s remarks, they have a right to appeal to the Editor-in-Chief and prove their point of view. A decision about the article publicatioin, reviewer changing or addressing the second reviewer is taken by the Editorial Council.
The article, which hasn’t been recommended by the reviewer and has been rejected by the Editorial Council, isn’t accepted in its initial form again. It can be accepted as a new one only after its deep revision by the author.
A positive review isn’t sufficient for the article publication. A final decision is up to the Editorial Council.
A period of reviewing is defined in each case by the Editorial Council in accordance with the terms of the most efficient publication period.