The defi nition of personality is explored based on the categorical structure of reality. The understanding of the categories is founded on the teachings of I. Kant, B. Spinoza, G. W. F. Hegel, and K. Marx; the pedagogic conception of E. V. Ilyenkov is analyzed. The relation of ontogeny and phylogeny is tracked. The identity of beginnings of science and of the personality is revealed by the study of the energetic activity of the child. The categorical contradiction defi ning the person is fi xed. The substantiation of child’s creative abilities development is studied.
The Problem of Defining Personality in the Context of Classical Philosophy
Written by V. N. Suhanov
Keywords: personality; subjectivity; category; ontogeny; phylogeny; dialectics; contradiction; identity; sensitivity; rationality; mind; total; substance; spinozism; freedom; activity.
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