The author approaches the history of philosophy as history of philosophical polemics using modern philosophers’ dispute with Descartes and Kant over access to reality that is actual thanks to special organization of philosophy’s disciplinary memory. Because today the knowledge about objects topic is prevalent over the object’s existence topic the ontology problems come to epistemological ones. Taking this into consideration the author examines the positions if object-oriented ontology and speculative realism and adduces main arguments against epistemologically-oriented philosophy. In the course of analyzing the validity of two traditionally disparate worlds (nature — culture and object — subject) substitution by “various collectivities of objects” the author studies the onticology position’s newness and productivity in another attempt to answer the question “what is object?”.
Keywords: René Descartes; Immanuel Kant; “Copernican turn”; Bruno Latour; Graham Harmant; Levi R. Bryant; Quentin Meillassoux; object-oriented ontology; materialism; onticology; speculative realism; correlationism.
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