The author briefly characterizes the features of Marxism transformation in the course of interaction between cultures. The complexity of the process of familiarizing the people with foreign theoretical doctrine inevitably gives rise to errors of perception. Thus, the channel of Marxism theoretical development and its realization in the life of society on a personal basis becomes very problematic and gives rise to a desire for the government to modernize the society. The author’s explanation of problem expressed in thesis “Marxism as Collision of Cultures” is of special interest.
Keywords: cultural conflict; reception; reduction; reinterpretation; absorption; acculturation; incorporation; polymorphisms.
- Flier A. Ya. Konflikt kul’turnyi (Conflict of Cultures), Kul’turologiya. XX vek, slovar’, SPb., Universitetskaya kniga, 1997, p. 194.
- Sovetskii entsiklopedicheskii slovar’ (Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary), M., Sovetskaya entsiklopediya, 1987, 751 p.