The article is devoted to the social philosophical inquiry of factors and ways of forming the professional consciousness as multi-structural social phenomenon. The questions of the infl uence of philosophy on the formation of personal professional consciousness and the correlation of the concepts of “formation” and “development” have been analyzed. The emphasis has been placed on the fact that professional consciousness is a form of public consciousness that shapes a conceptual and categorical apparatus, professional meanings, motives, interests and goals of that fi eld of knowledge that is related to a certain professional activity. It includes culturally-personal and socially-functional aspects of professionalism. It has been concluded that formation of the professional personal consciousness is the subject’s awareness of one’s professional activity as an integral phenomenon, critical refl ection on the socially-cultural and methodological features of a profession and its role in the development of the spiritual culture of society.
Keywords: professionalism; professional formation; professional consciousness; society; culture; development.
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