The authors examine the views of the 19th century utopian socialists, C. H. Saint-Simon, Ch. Fourier, and R. Owen, on a number of philosophical, social and political issues in the context of creation of an independent science of society. They did show that each of the scientists had different approach to this problem’s solution, but their contribution to social science development can hardly be overestimated, because these scientists did consistently treat society as a system subordinated to the universal laws, which are objective and should be regarded as impartial as the laws of nature. In addition, they did consider the society in the framework of historicism, as historically
developing system. In the authors’ opinion, this allowed the views of these scientists to become the basis for the development of Marxism and other socialist theories.
Keywords: Utopian socialism; capitalism; society; state; bourgeois revolution; Marxism; social science; social studies; ideology; rationalism; physicism; historicism; Enlightenment.
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