The situation in the sphere of education policy in Russia and the condition of State and private tertiary institutions are considered. The causes that led to decision to monitor tertiary institutions with a view to identify the ineffi cient educational facilities are studied. The principles and criteria to defi ne tertiary institutions work effi ciency and the mechanisms of their monitoring are exposed in details. The results of fi rst stage of tertiary institutions work effi ciency monitoring are presented, the concrete examples and conclusions of tertiary institutions’ activity level and their curricula’s voluntary accreditation are given. The legal aspects of this work are considered in terms of ensure State guarantees and realize the citizens’ constitutional right to education.
Tertiary Institutions Voluntary Accreditation’s Legal Regulation
Written by V. I. Kalyazin
Keywords: tertiary institutions effi ciency; tertiary institutions voluntary accreditation; tertiary institutions effi ciency evaluation criteria; ineffi cient tertiary institutions; tertiary education.
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